Closing Entry

Closing entries are the journal entries that are given to transfer the balances of all nominal accounts to the final account to determine the financial results of the organization at the end of an accounting period. Transactions related to the nominal account which are completed during a specific accounting period, their balance has to be completed in the corresponding accounting year. They will not have any balance in the next year. The journal entries that are transferred to the income statement to close the income and expenditure accounts are called closing entries.

Rules for Closing Entries

1. Adjusting entries must be made before closing entries are made.

2. The balance of the accounts that will be closed must be determined whether the balance is debit or credit.

3. Closing entry to close all expense and losses accounts.

Income Summary                                                       Dr.

            All revenue expense/loss                                            Cr.

4. Closing entries of all income and profits

All revenue Incomes/Gains                                         Dr.

            Income Summary                                                       Cr.

5. Closing entry for Profit

Income summary                                                        Dr.

            Capital                                                                        Cr.

6. Closing entry for Loss

Capital                                                                        Dr.

            Income Summary                                                       Cr.

7. To close withdrawals of sales in trading business

Capital                                                                        Dr.

            Withdrawal                                                                 Cr.

8. For PLC organization dividend accounts closing entry

Retained Earing                                                          Dr.

            Dividend Expense                                                       Cr.

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