Accounting for Perpetual Inventory Method

Perpetual inventory method is a system where inventory is calculated instantly at the time of each transaction. When a product is bought or sold, the quantity and cost of inventory are updated immediately. This method allows constant monitoring of inventory, which is useful for businesses with fast-moving product flows.

Perpetual Inventory Method Accounting Process

In this system every transaction is recorded immediately.

Purchase of inventory items: When stock goods are purchased, the stock account is updated.

                Example 01: Suppose 100 units of product are purchased at $10 per unit, then the entry will be:

                                                Dr.          Reserve                $1,000

                                                Cr.                          Cash/Debt           $1,000

Sale of goods: When goods are sold, two entries are made:

                To record the sale:

                                Debit: Cash/Payable

                                                Credit: Sales

                To update inventory account:

                                Debit: Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)

                                                Credit: The Reserve

                Example 02: If 50 units of product are sold and the selling price is $15 per unit, and the cost of each unit is $10:

                Sales Entry:

                                                Dr.          Cash     $750

                                                Cr.                          Sales     $750

                Cost Entry:

                                                Dr.          COGS     $500 (50 units × $10)

                                                Cr.                          Stock Items       $500

Advantages of permanent method:

          i) Inventory can be monitored in real-time.

          ii) Product shortages or theft can be detected quickly.

          iii) It is ideal for businesses with fast transactions.


          i) The cost of maintaining computerized systems is high.

          ii) For small businesses this can be a bit complicated.

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